Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Mammoth Springs, Yellowstone

Sunday, June 5, 2011
Mammoth Springs, Yellowstone

Yikes!  Eight days and we will be home!  8,000 miles so far.

I am back at the West Yellowstone Chamber of Commerce catching up on blog post.  We have the only rain in the USA today. This is fine with us, as we need to catch up on email, blogs, laundry and showers!

Sunday was our day to drive into the northern part of Yellowstone toward Mammoth Springs near the north entrance to the park. Prior to the trip, we went to West Yellowstone to use the Chamber of Commerce’s free wi-fi to catch up on blogs, etc.

During our drive north, we passed more thermal pools and mud pots. Mammoth Springs is home to a large concentration of hot springs that have created a series of multi colored terraces. Impressive!

The landscape changed rapidly as we drove north past the Gibbon and The Golden Gate, a road cut through yellow rocks. The road passed through forested valleys and by meadows where the buffalos roamed.

At Mammoth Springs, we toured the hot spring terrace, ate lunch with the elk and drove through the mountains to the Lamar Valley to look or wildlife. Wwe were hoping for wolves but saw a grizzly bear in the distance and an elk with antlers instead.  

The weather was gorgeous (70’s) with a cloudless sky.

Along with animals we saw wildflowers, a petrified tree, and waterfalls.

 Wildflowers Everywhere

 Elk Crossing

 There Are Always Mountains on the Horizon 

Mammoth Springs Terrace Cliffs - Impressive

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